Novelty Beers: A shout-out for October’s The Session

Novelty Beers: A shout-out for October’s The Session

The Session: A beer blogging first Friday event

The project: The Session

The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday, is an opportunity once a month for beer bloggers from around the world to get together and write from their own unique perspective on a single topic, such as Novelty Beers. Each month, a different beer blogger hosts the Session, chooses a topic and creates a round-up listing all of the participants, along with a short pithy critique of each entry. Over time, it is the hope that a record will be created with much useful information about various topics on the subject of beer. Read more…

The theme: Novelty Beers

With the onslaught of even weirder beards…erm…beers…than before, I can’t help but wonder if novelty beers are going too far. Or maybe not far enough? LOL! As a merchant of beer, I can see the place for novelty beers, as I am choosing for some customers who say, “I want the strangest beer you have.” We’ve even seen some novelty beers in our top-sellers. But beer traditionalists sometimes frown on these new and bizarre concoctions. And I can’t help but wonder if Martyn Cornell will participate, sharing bizarre but notable historic brews.

The month: October 2012

And what better time for novelty, than the month that holds Halloween? That’s six weeks from now, so get out and explore the novelty beers out there. Publish your Novelty Beer Session on Friday, October 5th, then share your posts here.

What novelty beer comes to mind when you think: Is this beer just to strange to stay around? Why in the world would they choose ingredients most beer drinkers have never heard of …what the heck is a qatar fruit? If it’s okay for beer to taste like tea or coffee, why not pizza? If wild yeasts are allowed to ferment beer, then why not beard yeast? If oysters, why not bacon? If pumpkin’s good enough for pie, why not beer? Since hops are flowers, why not brew with actual flowers?

The Session, October 2012: Novelty Beers


30 thoughts on “Novelty Beers: A shout-out for October’s The Session

  1. I’m going to wait until end-of-day (that’s after 8PM PST) to start The Session #68 Round-up, so keep ’em coming! Loads of interesting topics so far. This seems to be a polarizing topic on the blogosphere, just like it is with our customers in-store.

    Here’s a super “shortie” that came in via twitter:

    My favorite Session post so far for @99Pours – “cock ale” #homebrew made with chicken:

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