A beer, a business, and the Internet
To be more precise: A beer, beer business and the Internet.
“Where does Tiffany’s life collide? for $400,” Alex.
Eveningtime a glass of beer sits next to my monitor as I type and peruse the Internet. Morning is just me and the keys, sans beer. Googling for beer news, visiting bookmarked beer blogs, trolling the walls of facebook, catching up with trends of twitter. Sometimes offering up an LOL while laughing out loud or quietly to myself, and sharing a smile or wide-mouthed grin.
In a past life I was immersed in the Internet. Actually, I still am immersed. It’s just more about beer than it used to be. It’s still about a business, though now it’s a business focused on beer. Plus the beer in my glass. Recently got some love from social marketing firms that’ve noticed how I’ve been merging that beer, business, and the Internet.
On the wall and in the inbox
“Where to find your beer?” Yes, you’ll find your beer on the wall and in your inbox. I always hope to get back to the “weekly” schedule of The Weekly Brews, but this year’s been filled with too much activity to attain that task. Ah, I find myself reminiscing of 2007 when I could keep up with publication schedules. The email has become The [not so] Weekly Brews! The guys at Constant Contact say we’ve “found a premium brew with email and social media…”
Constant Contact captured overflow commentary from that interview in a second article, “How a Beer Store, a Swim Club, and a Learning Program Use Social Media,” where we talked about how people use twitter, facebook, blogs, and newsletters.
Don’t be afraid to ask, troll and share
The Internet is a strange thing. It’s a solitary place, but is also filled with social interaction. It’s a place where old friends and acquaintances reconnect, a place to meet and exchange ideas and thoughts with people who share your interests. For a small business owner, it’s a balance of business and play. It’s a place to visit and connect, in off-hours and during business hours, as long as it doesn’t impede the flow.
CityVoter followed up with me on our third-time win in KING 5’s Best of Western Washington. All I can really say is “thank you” to our supporters, you. I ask if you’ll lend support with a vote, and you followed through. Thank you.
…but they wanted a bit more than expressions of gratitude and love, so they published this Insights from 99 Bottles: A 3 Time Best of Western Washington Winner.